Balance 2022

The first PINNOS exercise allowed us to learn about the conformation, articulation and current functioning of the Health Innovation Ecosystem in Colombia in 2022. Within the report, the different efforts developed by the actors of the Ecosystem were evident to provide high-impact solutions to the problems in health of public interest, the transformation of the health system and the promotion of the productive development of the health sector, relevant information for decision-making as well as for the formulation of actions to strengthen, articulation and cooperation of the actors of the Ecosystem.

This is how PINNOS becomes a great initiative to continually build our Ecosystem, promote innovation and achieve the claimed health, pharmaceutical and biotechnology sovereignty.

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Last update in 2022

PINNOS, through the alliance between AFIDRO and El Bosque University, with the support of Bayer, Pfizer, MSD and Amgen, created a free access web report, which provides information for decision making in the field of health innovation. In colombia.

This portal visualizes the main findings and the panorama of the ecosystem as an open resource for actors in the sector.

In addition, it is expected to identify trends, areas of opportunity and challenges of those who promote and support health innovations in the country.

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